Baños: Ecuador's Adventure Capital

On our way back to Quito we stopped off in Baños, Ecuador's adventure capital. Baños is also the gateway to the Amazon in Ecuador. Sadly, we didn't make it to the Amazon during this stay but we are sure to get there in a different country, hopefully Bolivia (if any recommendations, send our way!).
Baños itself is not much, but you can't beat the scenery
Baños is located in a valley surrounded by large (dormant) volcanic mountains. While there, we hiked up through one mountain to Casa de Arbol (tree house) where they have swings that are very large and make you feel like you are swinging off the mountains!

One of the many places we took a rest while hiking up to Casa de Arbol
It is safer than it appears

While hiking up to Casa de Arbol we passed many farms clinging the mountainsides. Many of these farms plants squash, which was basically growing like a weed. In many places the squash plants grew out into the streets and paths we walked along. And just our luck, they were in bloom! Those who know us are aware of our foraging hobby, and therefore should not be surprised that we took the opportunity to snag a few blossoms. Embracing our inner-Nonnas we set out to make Italian stuffed squash blossoms in our less than adequate hostel kitchen, but we made due.

Blossoms cleaned, spinach/cheese mixture, and breadcrumbs all ready
The finished product, they were delicious
We also rented bikes and biked the waterfall trail, stopping at multiple waterfalls to walk down to them, take some pictures, picnic and just enjoy.
One way is about 18-20 km 
At the end, it started to rain and luckily we were able to take a bus back with the bikes and avoid all the mostly uphill ride back.

And, finally, Baños is also known for their thermal baths which we enjoyed soaking in! Overall, we had a lovely stay there. The town is pretty touristy but it is so quiet and lovely that it is easy to see why it is so popular. And, they offer a lot more extreme sports like bungee jumping, white water rafting, etc.
