Pantanal: The Largest Wetland

The Pantanal is a wetland dreamscape

The Pantanal is the worlds largest wetlands, with a whopping size between 140,000 - 195,000 sq kms (54,000 - 75,000 sq miles). We figured even with going to the Pampas and Jungle in Bolivia, we couldn't just pass through this area and not spend a few days exploring it. The Pantanal region is mostly in Brazil but also in Bolivia and Paraguay. We looked into exploring the Pantanal on the Bolivian side (think cheaper) but alas, no options so we went through the boarder and to the Brazilian Pantanal!

We booked a 3D/2N tour, crossed our fingers and hoped to catch a glimpse of the evasive jaguar. (Spoiler alert: there are no jaguar pictures below as we weren't that lucky to see one).

Happy capybara family

The region is not a national park and almost all the land is parceled out to individuals who use it for cow farming. While we saw many animals in the Pampas, the sheer scale of the Pantanal is hard to fathom until you are there and going through it. And even with all the farming, we still saw tons of birds, caimans, capybaras, and more! Some highlights from our time were:

Horseback riding through the woods

Piraña fishing and feeding a few to the caiman (also probably the most terrifying)

Birds, birds, birds
